Employee appreciation increases job satisfaction, overall happiness, AND improves the bottom line! As it turns out, a simple thank you goes a long way towards keeping employees in their sweet spot.
Glassdoor found that 80% of employees are motivated to work harder when their bosses shared a little sugar (a.k.a. showed appreciation for their work). And according to Forbes, employees that are appreciated are both happier AND more productive (up to 12%!).
Bosses who express gratitude help keep team members from looking elsewhere for their kudos (and their paychecks). So what might do the trick...keeping an employee feeling satisfied, with their loyalty intact?
A little goes a long way. In fact, 46 % of employees would feel more appreciated if their boss gave them an unexpected treat, including such things as a snack or a "thank you" note. (Pssst! Sugarwish is both!)
Want to increase your company's productivity and make your employees smile? Send a little something that lets them know you appreciate them. It will pay off for them – and for you!
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